Just like reading to a young child, reading to an animal can help them to calm down and feel at ease.
For some lucky cows in Berlin, Germany, a little did just that. Under her parents’ supervision, she was placed in the enclosure with the rescued cows at Hof Butenland farm sanctuary and she read bedtime stories to them.
The two cows in the video below were spared from abusive and neglectful situations, along with all the other cows at the sanctuary. Every animal there gets to enjoy the Hof Butenland farm sanctuary as their forever home, and there can get to live the rest of their lives out in peace.
The sanctuary allows all visitors to practice their listening and literary skills with the cows, and all people- young and old, are welcome.
While reading to the cows, the cows benefit from the close, yet gentle contact with humans and the humans benefit by getting to practice their reading.
In this particular video from Hof Butenland farm sanctuary, a young German girl reads to two cows, who seem to be more preoccupied with her teddy bear than with the book.
For some lucky cows in Berlin, Germany, a little did just that. Under her parents’ supervision, she was placed in the enclosure with the rescued cows at Hof Butenland farm sanctuary and she read bedtime stories to them.
The two cows in the video below were spared from abusive and neglectful situations, along with all the other cows at the sanctuary. Every animal there gets to enjoy the Hof Butenland farm sanctuary as their forever home, and there can get to live the rest of their lives out in peace.
The sanctuary allows all visitors to practice their listening and literary skills with the cows, and all people- young and old, are welcome.
While reading to the cows, the cows benefit from the close, yet gentle contact with humans and the humans benefit by getting to practice their reading.
In this particular video from Hof Butenland farm sanctuary, a young German girl reads to two cows, who seem to be more preoccupied with her teddy bear than with the book.
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